Coronavirus update - Argentum Law Will Remain Open For Business During The Crisis

You can count on Argentum Law for continued responsive service during this time of crisis. As coronavirus has become an evolving and uncertain public health issue affecting people globally and close to home, we recognize that all of us will certainly be impacted. While we are focused on the safety and well-being of our lawyers, clients, families, and the communities in which we all live and work, we also understand that your business must continue.

You can count on Argentum Law for continued responsive service during this time of crisis.  

As coronavirus has become an evolving and uncertain public health issue affecting people globally and close to home, we recognize that all of us will certainly be impacted.  While we are focused on the safety and well-being of our lawyers, clients, families, and the communities in which we all live and work, we also understand that your business must continue.  

Despite global containment efforts, due to our firm's operating model, which relies on virtual offices, technology and online solutions to provide our clients exceptional service, we continue to be open for business without any interruptions.  

We remain available to assist you with your existing legal needs, as well as to address any issues that you may be facing as a result of the impact of COVID-19 or the volatile markets.  Please let us know how we can help.  

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